Event Details

Event ID
Malisane Sadow
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Following the Conclave of the Inner Circle of Clan Naga Sadow for the Month of February 2006 the Clan Summit, Black Guard, Inner Order and Sons of Sadow have nominated Dark Jedi Knight Malisane De Ath for the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Malisane has had an interesting career, having shot up relatively quickly compared to most. Though it was with some uncertainty that he was appointed to the typically veteran position of Clan Envoy he has far surpassed the expectations any may have had. Malisane is a remarkably active Envoy, dedicated to the job in a way I have never seen before, taking the position with the full seriousness its modern duties entail. His Clan's success in terms of recruitment and retainment numbers are testament to his mature attitude and thoughtful approach to the position. Outside his work as an Envoy, Malisane provides a careful and judgemental approach to the Dark Brotherhood, based on wisdom rather than petty disagreements, that has in many respects led to the re-evaluation and improvement of a number of Clan systems.

Here are a selection of the recommendations:

Ever since I've returned to CNS, my inbox has been flooded with mails from Malisane to the Journeymen of the clan. Each and every one is welcome, and explained how everything works. And this has been for a long time now. I fully agree with this medal. Congrats, Malisane. You earned it. -Korras, PCON of Naga Sadow

What can I say about Malisane? He does his job, and he does it well. Malisane keeps things together with the Envoys, and tirelessly works hard to make certain that things have been handled. Although he hasn't been here long, he seems to have taken his role very seriously, and seems to enjoy it. For that effort, among other things, I support this award. - Krath Archpriest Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu

Malisane is a name that conjures up images of a hard-working, dedicated member of Naga Sadow. He has spent much of his time thinking of various ways to improve and streamline the Envoy process that currently exists in Naga Sadow, out of a simple desire to make the transition into regular Brotherhood activities as easy as possible for new members. Time will, I'm sure, simply give Malisane more opportunities to stand out as a member and as someone who merely wants to improve the Brotherhood. Add to that a cheerful disposition that nevertheless knows when serious discussion is needed and a personality that understands how things work, and you have an excellent Envoy and an excellent member. Malisane constantly surprises with his ideas, and I look forward to seeing what else he can come up with that will improve the processing of new members in Naga Sadow. Thanks for all you've done, Mal! KE Nekura Manji Keibatsu

Malisane has been a wonderful example of one of the most hard-working individuals within the Clan. We see him not only putting his ideas on the line for us to review and criticize, he does so without taking the judgements personally. He implements those ideas that are strong, and follows the implementation to its completion. Malisane personally greets every person that comes into the clan, ensuring that someone sends them a follow up email, so that no one is overlooked, all without any ask for recognition of his efforts. Even when he had computer problems, he found ways to manage the emails that needed to be sent. I wish that we had more members that had Malisane's dedication, wisdom, and patience. Thank you for everything, you have earned this and more. ~Kat Pridemore

It is therefore with great pleasure that I extend my congratulations, and thank him on behalf of the whole of the Inner Circle for his exceptional contribution to the Clan.

~ Consul Xanos Sadow & Inner Circle

, 2006-02-12 23:00:00 UTC