The days of the ACC rush are gone and the numbers have dwindled to a dull roar. In these times, when numbers dont seem as impressive, we are forced to try and relay the aspects of ACC positions in ways that will make individuals worthy of awards. All of what we do is behind the scenes; judging, training, opening battles, working on ACC improvements etc. and dont really lend themselves to much in the way of outward and obvious displays of accomplishment. Suffice it to say, Initiates are still trained, battles are still judged, qualifications are still on-going and facets of the ACC are always being improved and that is the daily grind of the ACC. With that, the most obvious trait that is possessed by a staff member is extended service as the Steel Cross describes. Due to influences beyond the ACC, some staff members arent rockets of activity when it comes to the extracurricular. They are merely content with doing their job. I am utterly thankful for those who stay straight, press on and make themselves the work-horses and grunts of the ACC. They lend their time when they can, and do well with what they take on, but often I know theyll be there just to do the daily work. I can count on them, and that is a great accomplishment. For his extended service to the ACC, I recommend SBL Vessicant for the Steel Cross.
Dalthid, 2006-02-13 23:00:00 UTC