Event Details

Event ID
Privateer Tyraal Bitshiver
Steel Cross
Requested by
Mauro Wynter
Primary reason

Recommending Knight Tyraal Bitshiver for a Steel Cross for his efforts over the past several months. Specifically, Tyraal stepped in for 4 months to head Tython Squadron Battleteam when House Satele Shan reorganized personnel. In this role Tyraal organized 4 competitions and gained some entry level experience with leadership. This kept the team together during a critical moment of uncertainty and was instrumental.

Beyond that capacity, Tyraal stayed active by participating in 30 competitions, 1 ACC match, writing 4700 words of run-on and fiction. For these efforts he received 18 CoGs, 4 CoIs, and 5 Crescents. Thank you for your work in your time as BTL, Tyraal, well done.

Mauro Wynter, 2018-12-09 23:16:23 UTC