Rosh Nyine is not only a good friend to myself, he is a good friend to the clan in many ways. He maintains a proper consistent presence in both the clan CSP Telegram as well as the Vindictae Immortalis Telegram. He's always wiling to provide a laugh, encouragement, or bestow some of his words of "wisdom" to members that have been here since the Dark Ages, and members that have only arrived to the Brotherhood. Because of this, and other noted reccomendations, I would like to award Rosh Nyine with this medal. Congratulations, Rosh! Thank you for always being there for Excidium and for Clan Scholae Palatinae!
Alara Deathbane
Rollmaster to Clan Scholae Palatinae
Alara Deathbane, 2018-12-14 02:12:14 UTC