Event Details

Event ID
Khobai Wrathraven
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Primary reason

"Khobai has been a member of the DB for a very long time, and during his time here has held a vast array of leadership positions. He has always been an encouraging and inspiring leader, and has always given 110% to everything he has put his hand to. I feel confident that with him as Proconsul, Arcona will be restored to her glory days, and that activity levels will improve.

Khobai is a hard worker, and is always coming up with new ideas and possibilities for the DB. Amongst his current projects is an entirely new system for DB RPG, and I feel certain that he will make a success of this as well.

Khobai is a hard-working, inspiring, and generally good-natured individual, and is long overdue for this award - DA Mairin Astoris"

, 2002-03-27 23:00:00 UTC