Event Details

Event ID
Azmodius Equesinfernum
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Azmodius Equesinfernum has been quite the workhorse since his promotion last year. As an EQ2, he has participated in 104 competitions, as well as organized or co-organized nine competitions, including for the Mysteries of Aliso lore event. Most recently, he participated in four events during the Rite of Supremacy: Meridian (during which he won a Bronze Nova for the collaborative propaganda event) and in two competitions for the Nightmare Before Sithmas event. In total, he has amassed a Legion of the Scholar, 30 Clusters of Graphite, 27 Clusters of Earth, seven Clusters of Ice, 57 Clusters of Fire, three Pendants of Blood, one Crescent with a Topaz Star, six Crescents with Emerald Stars, ten Crescents with Sapphire Stars, five Crescents with Amethyst Stars, and two Steel Crosses.

Azmodius served as Aedile of House Ajunta Pall until April of 2018, then transferred to be Aedile of Karness Muur until August of the same year. During his tenure, he consistently was a present, active, and supportive leader. Members could always rely on him to be available to chat via email or Telegram, and he worked hard with his Quaestor, Furios Morega di Plagia, to provide a fun experience for his house. While it was hard to say goodbye to him after he stepped down, he left some enormous shoes to fill, and our new leaders were happy to live up to the same work expectations as he did.

The best leaders lead by example, and Azmodius is no exception to that rule. It is because of his leadership and his activity that I am honored to recommend him for a promotion to Equite 3. Well done, Master of the Loincloth.

~ Ronovi Tavisaen Dread Lord’s Wrath of Plagueis

In the past year alone, Azmodius has gone from being my fellow Aedile, helping me and encouraging me in the position, to being my Aedile as I took on the position of Quaestor, still there to help and encourage me. As long as I have known him, Az has been an incredibly reliable, supportive and amazing member of our Plagueian family as well as a good friend.

In his time as my Aedile, Az was a hard worker who always made sure to keep up a good rapport with all of the members of Plagueis, not just House Karness Muur, and he constantly did so with positivity. Since stepping down as Aedile, he hasn’t let something like school get in the way of being a part of the clan, checking in when able and continuing to participate in events such as the Rite Of Supremacy and The Nightmare Before Sithmas. Azmodius, I am both proud and happy to see you reach Equite 3 - drinks are on you!

~TuQ’uan Varick Quaestor of Karness Muur

While I might have disagreed with Azmodius’ choice of alcohol in character, working with him out of character was nothing short of a pleasure. He was an amazing part of the summit for a very long time and a stalwart we could always count on. Az was an important part of the Vacation on Dagobah event which was a blast for both me and other members of the unit. He’s more than worthy of this promotion, and I hope to see him continue to be an asset to Plagueis.

~ Arden Karn di Plagia Dread Lord of Plagueis

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2019-01-03 05:05:56 UTC