Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Primary reason

Acolyte Hilgrif has received 169 Clusters of Earth and 118 Clusters of Fire, participated in 6 competitions, received 3 Crescents, received Rank 6 in the GMRG and an SA Society Rank of 3. He has joined us in our Clan Chat room on telegram and been at his current rank for the past 21 days. It is for this reason I recommend him for promotion to Hunter. Congratulations, Hilgrif!

Ashia Keibatsu Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Ashia Kagan Keibatsu, 2019-01-06 16:35:31 UTC