Event Details

Event ID
Fist Uji Tameike
Steel Cross
Requested by
Governor Tierra Suha'sen
Primary reason

I had assigned the task of creating an updated guide for News and Reports to Uji after the site's most recent update that included several major changes to how we see and post news items on our site. The old guide was outdated, written on multiple wiki pages and severely lacking in clarity and precision. Uji did an excellent job summarizing the guide, trimming the fat and replacing outdated information with the latest updates. The guide is a well made document, a must-read for any leader and a great addition to our wiki. For his contribution to the Club as a whole I'm delighted to award Uji this medal. Great job!

-Vyr/Morgan -Deputy Grand Master

Related wiki history page for reference: https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/index.php?title=DJB_Guide:_Report_Writing&oldid=171899

Governor Tierra Suha'sen, 2019-03-18 10:26:20 UTC