Event Details

Event ID
Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

At the very end of October, 2005, Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae has shown the commitment and effort that few members of either the Clan or the Dark Brotherhood can match. The job of a Proconsul can be a thankless one, the “glory” as it were going mainly to the Consul of a Clan. Strategos has now been the PCON to two Consuls, and has maintained the same drive and dedication throughout.

For a time Arcona was not in the best of shape, a massive re-building needing to take place. During this time, Consul Denath had to go on an extended LoA due to some RL issues. As such, Strategos was named acting-Consul, and during that brief “reign”, he led Arcona and provided both guidance and leadership, keeping the houses in line, ensuring the House Summit were active, or removing them if necessary and replacing them with leaders who would continue on the work that was needed. It was he who began to re-shape the Clan, so that the foundation was already in place when a new Consul would come in. He was the one who created and ran the Clan-wide competitions while the Consul was on leave. He would be the one on IRC or through e-mail who would help smother and flames of dissent that may arise. During this period of time, I was named an advisor through more “unofficial” means, to help Strategos should it be needed. However, he was clearly the leader of the Clan for that time, as well as for much of the period after, his face becoming the “face” of the Clan.

As I ascended to become Consul, Strategos remained on as Proconsul. Since I’ve been Consul, his work has been exemplary. I use my PCONs as close advisor’s, bouncing ideas and programs off them. He has seen to offer all the advice he could, bring his experience to bare. He has watched out over the Clan, guiding me and advising me on competitions, awarding and the direction the Clan should take. During my own sudden LoA, Strategos was once again thrust into the role of acting-CON, and was once again successful. Arcona is a clan that has always had personalities that clashed. During this time, Strategos was alone, having to deal with these personalities and successful eased any tensions that they had been causing. He is respected and listened to by the Clan at large, his words carrying weight behind them. One could not ask for more in a PCON.

However, Strategos has also continued to be an active member of the DB during his time as PCON, continuing to participate in the various MP gaming nights (earning dozens of CFs); constant IRC presence and continually posts and keeps up on the forums. He is also the Clan Envoy for Arcona, and has ensured that our newest members are taken care of, our current crop of Envoys doing a fantastic job.

Overall, Strategos has done everything asked of him and more, his work dedicated to helping Arcona. For all that he has done, this reward is but a token of thanks

Lord Halcyon, 2006-03-11 23:00:00 UTC