Event Details

Event ID
Lucine Vasano
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

It's hard to say enough about what Lucine has done for her House and her Clan this past year. She's been a sterling example of leadership and activity, organizing thirty-two competitions and participating in one hundred and sixty-two! She's organized several House events, driving the story and crafting the future of Qel-Droma, as well as generating activity. This was over the course of twelve months as an insanely active Aedile, and two more months as she's taken on the Quaestor role.

For her efforts, she picked up a Sapphire Blade several months ago for her leadership capabilities, another feather in her perfectly coiffed hair, and passed three Shadow Academy Courses. Along with her competition and leadership, she's completed ten ACC battles (and in her capacity as Judge, graded one) as well as becoming Champion of the 2019 Spring Championship!

Along with this, she's earned numerous Crescents, including two Ruby, seven Amethyst, four Sapphire, and four Emerald, with one hundred and five Clusters of Ice, twenty Clusters of Graphites, and four Legions of Scholar (proving she's not just looks but brains too)!

While the numbers more than show her talent and dedication, I just want to say that Lucine Vasano is one of the most important members of the Arconan summit. She is driven, creative, dedicated, and (completely in character of course) ruthless. She is the future of our Clan and I am humbled in even being a part of her growth. Lucine, I'm proud of you and you so deserve this promotion, just sorry I couldn't do it even sooner.

Kordath Bleu Arcona, Consul

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2019-06-25 00:22:42 UTC
Additional reasons

Lucine is by far one of the hardest working members of this club I know. I have worked very closely with her as my Aedile in Qel-Droma, and I am so happy to see her take to Quaestor with a renewed sense of vigor. Lucine is a glowing example of being not only a terrific member of her Clan but also an outstanding leader. She is quick to the draw at making sure there are plenty of opportunities for her membership to be active, and always has their best interests at the forefront of her decision making.

Equites are described as the most loyal and dedicated of the DB ranks and that describes Lucine to a tee. Since her promotion to EQ2 she has served as Aedile, Quaestor, and even had a stint as an ACC judge! As Kordath described in his recommendation she has organized and 32 competitions and participated in 162 more! As a leader she is dependable, and keep almost constant communication with her members, making sure to keep them as happy and active as she can. The recent HQD event, “The Great Heist” was her creation, and she managed it with incredible success.

Not only is she fantastic in the DJB, but Lucine is a fiercely loyal friend. I have leaned on her a lot in the past year, and she has always been there as a prime example of a loyal companion. No matter what life has thrown at her she has almost always put this club first and has never let her Clan down. I am very happy to witness her promotion to Equite 3. Congratulations Lucine, you have earned this and more!

Proconsul, Arcona

Master Aiden Lee Deshra, 2019-06-25 00:22:34 UTC