Event Details

Event ID
Famosus Aspicio
Steel Cross
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

For the creation of the Clan Plagueis Enemy Planet. Famosus volunteered his efforts and time to create a Enemy Planet to serve as the basis of Clan Plagueis antagonist's forces in an upcoming Epic Run On. The Enemy Planet Fiction totaled over 10 pages of well though out details and descriptions.

On top of this work, Famosus also has worked and co-authored 44 pages (11 font, times new roman) of the Clan Plagueis Planetary System. This work has no peer in the Dark Brotherhood (http://plagueis.darkjedibrotherhood.com/system.php).

Great work Famosus

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2006-03-19 23:00:00 UTC