Over the past 28 days Appius has continued to take on all activities the Dark Brotherhood has had to offer, and has sought out further courses in the Shadow Academy when not busy working on Great Jedi War events.
Appius has participated in 22 competitions, 17 of those were directly related to the Great Jedi War, and has been awarded three Crescents (Ruby and two Sapphire) from his entries. This does not include any potential awards he may win from Great Jedi War events, which are currently being graded.
When not crushing GJW events Appius finds time to kick back and read old tomes in the Shadow Academy. As a Padawan he completed 12 Shadow Academy Courses and earned two Shadow Academy Degrees (Dark Maven – Philosophy and Dark Maven – Writing). Among the courses he completed were nearly all of the ones available in the Leadership Department (Shadow Academy Leadership Management Course, Leadership Competitions Course, Leadership Proposals Course, Leadership Reports Course, and Leadership Rewards Course). Through all of this work Appius was able to raise his rank within the Shadow Academy Society to Senior (Rank V).
Appius has proven to be an avid writer, writing over 3,000 words of fiction and earning 18 Clusters of Ice for his fiction entries so far, with many more on the way for his Great Jedi War entries. The entirety of Clan Vizsla was impressed when Appius revealed he had written over 10,000 words of fiction just for his Phase 1 Great Jedi War entry alone!
Appius Wight was one of the first members to be placed into Clan Vizsla follow its creation. He has exceeded expectations at every turn and fully embraced the Club, and the Clan. His high level of engagement and frequent accomplishments have attracted the attention of the entire Clan Vizsla Summit. We are very lucky to have such a motivated member in our newly formed Clan, and it is a great honor to have the opportunity to raise Appius as the first Knight since creation of Clan Vizsla.
Thank you for all your hard work and contributions Appius! Clan Vizsla has been amazingly lucky to have had you placed within our ranks, or perhaps it was the will of the Force all along?
Congratulations Knight!!
-Val Cole, Vizsla Proconsul
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla, 2019-09-02 16:29:56 UTC