Since joining Plagueis, Ahsik has wasted no time at all in establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with. He has taken and retaken a whopping 18 Shadow Academy courses, earning himself 3 degrees and advancing all the way to Rank IV in the Shadow Academy. Taking the knowledge he has gathered from the Shadow Academy, Ahsik has created a wonderful Character Sheet and has taken on the ACC Qualification exam, passing and earning himself qualification. Joining in the middle of a Great Jedi War, Ahsik came to the aid of his clan and has participated in 7 competitions since joining. Aside from this, Ahsik has been an active member of the Clan telegram, participating in and starting conversations with both his clanmates and others.
Congratulations on a much deserved promotion, and we can’t wait to see where you go from here!
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia, 2019-09-07 02:44:31 UTC