Event Details

Event ID
Sage Enzo Dek
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

It's been great to see Dek fly back into brotherhood activity during the Great Jedi War. Dek has entered 29 competitions since his last promotion, earning a diamond crescent, 3 amethyst and 1 emerald. Dek has also amassed significant gaming activity, with 6 pendants of blood and 60 clusters of fire to his name since last recognition.

During the recent Great Jedi War, Dek took it upon himself to get the clan run-on started while I was on holiday. Dek did a fantastic job of making sure everyone's character sheet snapshots were in order, getting the post 1 into the correct format on the forums, planning the story and getting a great opening out which was easy to build from.

For his activity numbers, and for stepping up to lead the run-on when the clan needed him, I'm happy to award Dek a steel cross. Congratulations!



General Zentru'la, 2019-09-15 10:22:18 UTC