Event Details

Event ID
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Emerald Dagger
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Selika Roh has served as Herald for the past year and a half, where he stepped into the role to replace Vyr and supported launching the Graphics Society, graphics competition standardization and guidelines, and fostered the graphics community and talent.

The Herald office has continued to release content regularly, with Solo dossier artwork done in a timely release, Clone Wars dossier artwork and a host of additional robes, weapons and accessories for members to customize their profiles on the site. While keeping up with a staff that manages Warbanners and custom weapons requests for members.

Oversaw the Shroud War competition series, following on the one run by Vyr, that ran over six weeks and gave members that created an opportunity for some competition around graphics. While also running the graphics competitions and battle plan events in the latest Great Jedi War and graphics in the Rite of Supremacy before that. Organizing a total of 30 different competitions creating graphics opportunities for members.

Selika has had a great impact on graphics since taking on the role of Herald, in keeping up with regular releases, managing the talent in the club and keeping engaged with the staff, providing opportunities and mentorship. I look forward to seeing more as I see plans for more multimedia content and rubrics and other plans.

Graphics are an important part of the experience members have interacted with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and give the first impression. Selika has already had an impressive impact and look forward to seeing more. Congratulations on your Emerald Dagger!

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2019-09-23 03:41:48 UTC