Event Details

Event ID
Lord Evio Nezsa
Old Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Over two and a half years ago, Evant was promoted to Dark Adept, joining the ranks of our Elders. Since then, Evant has not slowed down, and he has continued to shape our Brotherhood in countless ways. Elders are our most noteworthy members, where the rare combination of dedication to our organization and impact of their contributions can be felt across the entire club. Even among this group, fewer still make contributions that fundamentally change the club, contributing to the experiences of our members in real and unique ways. These are our Dark Jedi Masters, and there is no doubt that Evant has impacted our club unlike few members in its history. As an advisor, as Regent, and now as Deputy Grand Master, Evant is a force within our Brotherhood and completely worthy of promotion to Dark Jedi Master. It has been a pleasure to work with Evant over the last few years, and I know all of our members have felt the positive contributions he has made to our club.

Evant is one of our most trusted voices on the Dark Council. His opinions are always deeply considered for an eye towards the betterment of the Brotherhood as a whole, and he participates in every discussion in every office of the Dark Council. Evant is never without a valuable opinion, and he has shaped policy in numerous offices, both as Regent, and now as Deputy Grand Master. His vision for the Brotherhood is one of continual engagement with our systems, and it shapes the decisions of the Dark Council on a daily basis. Evant has contributed significantly to three Vendetta events over the last few years, directly organizing more than a dozen competitions and contributing as a grader to a dozen more, and helping to write, develop, and cross-check another dozen or so competitions. His contributions were most keenly felt in the most recent Great Jedi War, which I touch on in greater depth below.

Since he completed Possessions more than two years ago, Evant continued to develop the Regent's Office and our credit and possessions system, adding hundreds of new items and meticulously managing a system that provides "end game" activities to members across our club. Evant earned an Emerald Dagger for his work on updating our possession system, and although he has now moved on to Deputy Grand Master, he still has a hand in credit distribution and has assisted Atra as he has learned the position.

Finally, Evant took over as Deputy Grand Master some four months ago during a period of transition for our Brotherhood, and right as we were planning a major event. On the eve of a Great Jedi War, Evant saw himself with a daunting situation of taking over and helping to finish the Great Jedi War. Evant responded well, helping to run the event and leading several competitions. This Great Jedi War saw thousands of entries from more than 150 members, and was a success in no small part due to the efforts of our Deputy Grand Master. In his new role as DGM, Evant helped direct, edit, and brainstorm both the fiction and much of the War plot and Theaters. He directly handled the Clan Run-On and Co-Op competitions, and also checked over the score calculations and other important administrative activities. In sum, his contributions were invaluable to this War, as were his past efforts in RoS Meridian and GJW XII.

For these reasons, I am pleased to elevate Evant to the rank of Dark Jedi Master!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2019-09-24 20:58:06 UTC
Additional reasons

Only 49 members of the Dark Brotherhood have made it to the rank of EL2 or higher. Those members, without exception, have all contributed to the Dark Brotherhood's success. They are dedicated, loyal, and prone to do what is best for our club. Our Deputy Grand Master, Evant Taelyan, is one of those members.

In the past four years Evant has served as our Voice, our Regent, and now our Deputy Grand Master. He has led successful reforms and projects in each of those positions and became our first leader to successfully design and implement a possessions system. Evant's initiative combined with his ability to execute tasks makes him a rare member in our club's history.

Equally important to Evant's work on projects and club reform is his ability to maintain a positive atmosphere in the club. He has risen above petty arguments and maintains an excellent repertoire with members and leaders alike. This aspect of his time serving on our Dark Council should not be understated and should be lauded as the standard.

Evant, congrats on your promotion. We look forward to seeing what you can do for our club next.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2019-09-24 20:57:45 UTC