Event Details

Event ID
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
General Stres'tron'garmis
Primary reason

Zujenia is an amazing Arconan, a true portrait of what one should expect from our summit. Since her promotion, she has continued to faithfully serve as our Rollmaster, helping multiple members reach the rank of JM4, as well as assisting in their understanding and retention. Without her efforts, the recent War scores would have been much different. She is one of the friendliest, most supportive, and amazing members of this club. I wasn't sure I'd get to write on this prior to retirement, so let's do this!

Since May, Zujenia has organized 17 competitions, including the running of a current Clan-wide event. Many of these competitions were focused on helping Journeyman understand our systems of submissions and to assist in their advancement, as was her duty as Rollmaster. She also participated in a whopping 82 competitions herself, including 13 of the War bins! She continues to show a massive amount of dedication to Arcona and the club.

She's also racked up 4 PvP matches, 1 PvE activity, and an ACC battle, as well as 2 Run On posts for the War, which garnered her one of her two Silver Novae.

Speaking of shinies, she picked up 2 Silver Novae in the recent War, one for the beforementioned RO, and one for an amazing Comic entry. She also took home several Crescents, including 1 Ruby, 1 Amethyst, 5 Sapphires, and 1 Emerald Star. She picked up 8 Clusters of Fire, 5 of Ice, and 27 of Graphite.

And of course, as mentioned, her six months time as our Rollmaster. She's upheld the tradition of this position in Arcona being one that runs accessible competitions, socializes heavily with the newer members, and is generally an awesome person all around.

Because of her stellar activity, her leadership, and her amazing attitude, I am proud to put Zujenia in for a Sapphire Blade!

Kordath Bleu
Arcona, Consul

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2019-10-09 14:17:49 UTC
Additional reasons

Zujenia, the Battle Goat, is perhaps one of the best known and most beloved members of Arcona. She is consistently pleasant and consistently helpful to both new and more experienced members alike. I know that my day is brightened by interacting with her on TG.

I’ll leave the discussion of the numbers to Kord, and instead focus on her leadership. I had the good fortune to serve as Zujenia’s Aedile, where I got to see the Battle Goat in action. While I am not always the easiest person to get along with, she handled my wacky ideas with aplomb and cheerfulness, and never failed to provide a guiding hand for the House. She took these positive qualities into the Rollmaster position, where she successfully wrangled the newbies. She spearheaded the Master/Apprentice program, taking great pains to make sure that each Apprentice was appropriately paired with a suitable Master.

Even now, as she is preparing to take a break from leadership, she is refusing to rest on her laurels. Instead, she is working with Kordath to present an Arconan wedding event. It is clear that she continues to lead by example.

It is for all of these reasons that I am proud to lend my voice in support for Zuji to be awarded the SB. Congratulations, Best sisprentice!

Lucine Vasano, 2019-10-09 00:41:20 UTC

Zujenia has been a treasure of a member in Arcona. She has been an active participant in all that Arcona has had to offer, and has been a remarkable leader as Rollmaster. Whether it is Organizing competitions to promote activity, or participating and setting the example to the rest of the Clan, we can always count on Zujenia to show the best our Clan has to offer.

In the War, Zujenia came out and showed her stuff. She earned 13 seals of Discord for her efforts and snagged 2 silver novae in the process. As Rollmaster, she was directly helpful in assisting 3 members to the rank of Knight! She has set a strong example for what a Rollmaster in Arcona should be, and whoever follows her will most definitely have some large shoes to fill.

I am happy and proud to help award Zujenia a Sapphire Blade! Congratulations Zuji. You deserve it!


Proconsul of Arcona

Master Aiden Lee Deshra, 2019-10-09 14:16:03 UTC