Sera Kaern came in swinging. I think he’d been part of our merry band of thieves and ne’er do-wells for but a few days at most, when he was already roping in myself, Eilen, and Karran into an explosive introduction for his character! Begin as you mean to go on, eh? Since then, Sera’s various accolades have accounted for 26 competition entries for which he’s earned a frankly astounding 2 Silver Novae (!), 17 Clusters of Ice, 14 Clusters of Graphite and 15 Seals of Discord. If the last didn’t sink in, Sera had barely gotten his feet dipped in the kiddy end of the pool when he was thrust into the cold murky depths of a Great Jedi War, but this plucky Zabraki fighter came out swinging! And just to prove he isn’t just all knuckles and no brain, Sera’s completed 20 SA courses, nabbing a pair of Dark Pundits for his efforts.
As a person, Sera has been industrious, enthusiastic, and delightfully intrigued by our fictional goings-on. He’s been keen to learn about our House, Arcona, and especially the plotlines we’re currently developing both in-House and at large. Often to the point where we’ve had to admit all the detail he’s sought hasn’t even been established yet!
On Telegram, he’s quickly become a regular and has delighted our channels with his presence and enthusiastic support of things mundane and science-fantastical. To say he’s taken to Arcona like a fish to Dajorran waters is at least a swimming analogy. And if the participation, general Ohana-itude, and obsession with plot wasn’t enough to show how Arconan Sera is, they just finished their first ACC match and won! With a score so close to a 5 it was frankly astonishing it was his first outing!
For all these things, and more besides, it is my honor, nay, priviledge, to recommend Sera Kaern for full Knighthood and the rank of JM 4.
Seer Tali Sroka
Aedile Tali Sroka, 2019-10-18 21:45:07 UTC