Event Details

Event ID
Joe Durham
Dark Cross
Requested by
Rian Taldrya
Primary reason

Joe Durham is one of those silent members a Summit tends to miss out on rewards and would never complain about it though he surely deserves one.

Since his last promotions about two years ago, Joe has participated in sixteen individual Competitions, scoring a total of four Crescents (two Crescents with Sapphire Star and two with Amethyst Star), one Legion of the Scholar and seventeen Clusters of Ice. He also put a significant level of work into his character's personal Wikipedia entry, detailing a lot of personal information about his character on the Brotherhood Wikipedia.

Joe is by far deserving of this award, and I am happy to award him it for his great work. Congrats on this Dark Cross Joe! Keep up your awesome work!

Rian Taldrya, 2020-02-15 22:51:35 UTC