Event Details

Event ID
Rian Taldrya
Old Rank
Equite 4
New Rank
Elder 1
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Rian Taldrya has shown a level of selfless dedication to service to our Brotherhood as few have done before. This is most strongly obvious in his service to Taldryan, but also in his work for the Herald’s office. In both capacities, Rian has always worked to better the Brotherhood, from fulfilling hundreds of graphics requests to leading a Clan for several years.

From his time as Quaestor before the unit Clanned, then to Consul, and then to Quaestor of one of House Ektrosis - and finally, back to Consul - Rian has been essential to Taldryan. When the Clan needed him most, he was there, no matter the circumstances. Rian has shown selflessness and devotion to his Clan well beyond expectations, and as a leader of the Clan helped build a place members can thrive and enjoy the wider club and all its activities.

As Consul, we have had the privilege to work directly with Rian countless times and his patience and temperament are unmatched. He has faced trying circumstances as Consul and has always remained positive and hard-working to ensure his Clan’s best interests are reflected in Brotherhood policy. And even when he disagreed, Rian has been conscious of the importance of the Brotherhood beyond just Taldryan, as well. Rian’s time as a leader in the Brotherhood has always been noteworthy. In his most recent stint as Consul, and as an Augur, Rian has earned an Emerald Dagger; but before that, his Sacramental awards commemorate his service to his Clan: A Ruby Scepter, an Amethyst Kukri, and a Sapphire Blade. Several of his Grand Crosses also indicate his strong service to his Clan cross all levels. He has organized numerous events and run more than 50 competitions since his last promotion. On a personal level, Rian maintains a high level of activity, participating in more than 400 competitions and earning 6 Novae, more than one hundred Crescents, and hundreds of Clusters.

And while this level of commitment to his Clan has surely made the Brotherhood a better place, Rian did not stop there. He has been Magistrate to the Herald for more than a year and a half as an Augur alone. He has created hundreds of individual images for the office, and his contributions there have earned him Grand Crosses, and a share of his Ruby Scepter, for his work under multiple Heralds.

Rian embodies what we hope for in our best members - activity, leadership, and temperament. Since my return to the Brotherhood years go, he has always been there - a bulwark of activity, and devoted to our club in every way. For these reasons, I am pleased to elevate Rian Taldrya to the ranks of our Elders as an Adept. Congratulations, Rian!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2020-02-24 07:08:56 UTC