Event Details

Event ID
Qyreia Arronen
Old Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
New Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lucine Vasano
Primary reason

I can think of few people more deserving of promotion than Qyreia. He is an invaluable member of the clan, whose energy and activity is difficult to match. Since his last promotion, Q has organized 15 competitions and participated in 128 competitions. He never fails to give it his all, which has earned him 2 Diamond Crescents, 11 Ruby Crescents, 18 Amethyst Crescents, 19 Sapphire Crescents, 11 Emerald Crescents and 1 Topaz Crescent. He has also earned 11 Clusters of Fire, 200 Clusters of Earth, 27 Clusters of Graphite and 5 Pendants of Blood. A prolific writer, he has earned a whopping 200 Clusters of Ice and written 75,892 words of fiction. His exemplary performance earned him the title of First Hero of the Rite of Supremacy: Meridian, in addition to 3 Gold Novae, 1 Silver Nova and 3 Bronze Novae. His activity has also netted him a Grand Cross.

When he is not kicking an obscene amount of butt in competitions, Q is busy setting an example for other members to follow by serving in a number of positions within the club. He served for 10 months as Magistrate to the MAA, which earned him a Sapphire Blade. He also served as Quaestor of House Galeres for a little over a year, where he worked hard to spur activity, including spearheading a major story-driven event. Not content to be idle, he is currently serving as Magistrate to the Voice.

In addition to these leadership activities, Q has taken a significant interest in the overall health and prosperity within the clan. He frequently runs House-related roleplaying sessions, which help to inspire activity within other members. He also is quick to offer suggestions and constructive criticism to aid in the continued improvement of the House and Clan as a whole. Furthermore, he is always quick to answer questions on Telegram and to inject his unique brand of sense of humor to the conversation.

Truly, Q is a powerhouse of activity, and a welcome and active personality within the Clan as a whole. His promotion to EQ4 has been a long time in coming, and is well-deserved. Congratulations on your promo, Q! Drinks are on you tonight!

Lucine Vasano
Consul, Clan Arcona

Lucine Vasano, 2020-03-01 02:09:16 UTC
Additional reasons

No one can dispute the hard working nature that Q has about himself at any given time. No matter what he is doing, whether it is helping run RP events in the house chat or organizing comps for us to enjoy, he is a ray of dedication that is sorely needed.

I can go on and on about his activity if given the time. But needless to say both as a member and as a leader there is nothing more that I could ask for in him. You have more than earned this promotion, my friend. Keep doing the good work and congratulations!

Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona, 2020-03-01 02:06:32 UTC

Since becoming Quaestor I’ve seen Qyreia as a beacon of activity within the clan and producing many competitions for members to participate in. Also within Telegram he always shows a presence, interacting with other members. I generally always see him either participating in the roleplay or hosting a roleplay session. Keep up the good work, look forward to seeing more from you.

Junazee, 2020-03-01 02:07:11 UTC

For ten months Qyreia was a Quaestor of mine while I was Consul, a time etched in memory and legend. He was a good little red leader, he was approachable, handy in discussions, and a source of knowledge. Even with his real-life military duties taking his time in a non-negotiable manner, and taking the time to reproduce (congrats again!), he found time to be an active and able leader of Galeres. And for that, I say thank you, Q.

I am so proud to see you reach this new height, and I look forward to the inevitable next one! --Kordath

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2020-03-01 02:08:01 UTC

Q is one of the hardest working individuals that I know. When working alongside him on the Arconan Summit, he was always there to assist, answer questions, and lend an ear to his fellow leaders. He is a true leader in every meaning of the word, and continues to show this even though he is not currently on the Summit. He took a short break from the club when his child was born, but since his return he has been a force within this Clan.

Q is responsible for the current state of Arconan Roleplay. As Quaestor, he and his summit created the template that we are utilizing for our highly successful RP ventures in our House chats. This has directly led to Arcona being even more active than we were before, and has even brought new faces to the activity pool. If not for his innovation, and continued work to this day, I doubt we would be in the amazing position our Clan is in.

Q’s activity is well documented in Lucine’s recommendation, but it shouldn’t be understated how effective Q is. Not only does he participate, but he tends to win. Out of his 117 competition he has participated in, he placed in 66 of them. That is an average of 56%!!! This exemplifies the hard work he puts in as an active member.

I am proud to have Qyreia in Arcona, and to call him a friend. Q congratulations on reaching EQ4, you deserve this and more!

Dr. Rhylance, 2020-03-01 02:08:52 UTC