Event Details

Event ID
RevengeX Palpatine
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Dakari Palpatine
Primary reason

Revenge serves a very important role in the daily maintenance of House Acclivis Draco: Rollmaster. Whenever a new member joins the Summit can rest assured that this member is leading the charge on welcoming him, providing him a path to higher ranks and finding new members Masters and the old ones Apprentices. And on top of this all he maintains a diligent presence of activity in both Clan (Fiction, Run-on, Envoy) and Brotherhood (ACC CL:3, CFs, Crescents). For the daily grind of work and constant activity, I recommend a Star of Antei on his behalf ~ Dakari

Dakari Palpatine, 2006-04-18 22:00:00 UTC