Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Blazer Mortis
Primary reason

Raken has done a superb job since joining the Brotherhood only a very short time ago. Since then, he has taken 5 SA courses (Lightsaber Basics, ACC INI, Sith CORE, IRC Basics, Test of Wisdom). He has also had a very remarkable IRC and overall online presence considering that he's so new. Normally, we don't see such activity, especially IRC, from newer members. He, however, is an exception to that. His willingness to do the things he has to do, and the determination to do it to his best, is an example after which other new members (and old ones too), can follow after. I have seen his future, and it is to soar high in the DJB, he has the desire and the drive to do so. Therefore, it is pleasure of the HSK Summit to grant a Dark Cross to this young one. :) Grats, Raken!! :D ~QUA/OT Venquis

Blazer Mortis, 2006-04-25 22:00:00 UTC