Event Details

Event ID
Ky Terrak di Plagia
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Blazer Mortis
Primary reason

Ky Terrak, a very motivated individual; a very model example after which the young and new members in my House can flock to. He is always around to provide insight, and suggestions into what can help his House run better. I am ever grateful for his dedication to the House, and to his team to make it work. He has also garnered many competition medals (15 CFs, 5 crescents), during this recent number of weeks. This has served to be a prime example for his team to follow after; I am very grateful for his work, and HSK would be at a large loss to not have him around. GREAT JOB! :D ~QUA/OT Venquis

Blazer Mortis, 2006-04-28 22:00:00 UTC