Tassk impressed us all with his obvious energy, enthusiasm, and good nature. He attained the other requirements for promotion well in advance of time in grade, so I'm delighted to see him finally move up. Tassk has completed the following requirements:
- Active participation on the Discord server and forum, and especially on Telegram.
- He has passed 22 Shadow Academy courses and reached SAS rank IV.
- He has participated in 6 competitions, all associated with GJW XIV. This participation has been a major boon to the COU war effort.
- Nearest to my heart, he has not only created a character sheet and qualified for the ACC but begun a match against clanmate Jon Silvon.
- He has completed well over 750 words of character fiction between his ACC match and the COU run-on.
Tassk is already well on his way towards meeting the requirements for his next promotion, and I'm sure Knighthood is only a matter of time.
Congratulations, Tassk!
Vez Hirundo
Daro Vane, 2020-06-24 16:11:17 UTC