Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

In one month of Duty Priest Scorpius has completed more tasks than the last two HEK QUAs combined. He appointed a solid AED, a House Envoy, Two Battle Team Leaders, a house website designer, and started several competitions......and he did all of this with a broken laptop and severely limited internet time. Scorpius has been an outstanding addition to the Clan Plagueis Chain of Command and his work thus far promises a great future for HEK! Great work Scorps!<br> <br> -----------------------------------------------<br> <br> <br> In less then a month as QUA of House Exar Kun, Scorps has done more than anyone could have asked of him. At this time, he has managed to do all of his regular duties with a broken laptop, and though he cannot join IRC, he has made up for it with his super fast email turn-around. Scorpius is a very active member who truly cares for the well-being of Exar Kun, and deserves nothing less then this award ~ AED Aabsdu

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2006-05-03 22:00:00 UTC