Hunter Crawramek has been an immense asset to the clan and a keen fit to the family. He has been super active in activities and competitions, especially gaming, and has been an awesome friend to all of us on Telegram and during the latest war events.
Since his last promotion, Craw has competed in a number of competitions and even achieved a Sapphire Crescent. He has passed, with 100%, 8 Shadow Academy courses and earned himself another degree. More impressively, he has been awarded 44 Clusters of Fire and 390 Clusters of Earth, through 27 PvE games.
Craw has been an absolute machine, and a lot of fun to be around in these events and in clan chats. I am more than pleased to grant this promotion to our friend.
Rise this day, Knight Crawramek Turazza, honorable Markosian and warrior of Sadow!
Seer Xolarin, 2020-07-30 16:10:09 UTC