Event Details

Event ID
Tomora Nay'ek
Old Rank
Captain (Equite 1)
New Rank
Major (Equite 2)
Requested by
Dr. Aru Law
Primary reason

Sulith is a big furry name in Qel-Droma’s ranks. They have been constantly rising and growing with their peers, displaying an amazing sense of unity, brotherhood and friendship in the House and Clan.

Since their last recognition, Sulith has participated in 45 competitions, engaged in 3 PvP matches, completed 8 fiction activities and contributed with two Run On posts for the GJWXIV on Arcona’s behalf. With a whopping 11769 words of fiction, it is clear Sulith has a lot to tell. They have passed 2 Academy courses. For all their activity, Sulith has been awarded 17 Crescents (3 Diamonds, 1 Ruby, 4 Amethysts, 4 Sapphires, 4 Emeralds and 1 Topaz) and also received 1 Bronze Nova for placement in a GJWXIV competition. Sulith has also received 4 Clusters of Fire, 23 Clusters of Ice and 32 Clusters of Graphite for participation in competitions.

Sulith showed great commitment to the House and Clan by participating in 16 competitions during the GJWXIV. Sulith is also ever present in the chats, engaging in conversation with everyone and always willing to help those in need.

It is for the reasons mentioned above that I recommend Major Sulith to be elevated to the rank of Commander. You deserve it Sully!

Aru Law
Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Dr. Aru Law, 2020-08-04 17:32:27 UTC
Additional reasons

What would the Voidbreaker be without our lovable socially awkward Bothan/Togorian duo? Well, a fair bit less furred up in the air recyclers, for one thing, but also missing such a big piece of our hearts!

Sulith has been, and continues to be, one of our most active members and their presence is proudly felt in both Clan and House. When they are not jockeying for arts placements with Alaisy, they’re busy creating heart-warmingly adorable scenes for us to enjoy, or partaking in the banter that is the meat and space-potatoes of our community. Few are the times, if any, where the injection of an awkward Eilen slinking in the background or an overly-enthusiastic Sulith embracing everyone within his arm’s reach—which is considerable—for a group hug isn’t going to elevate the mood!

Such reliable and positive members, building their stories with us and helping us grow ours in turn, are the bedrock and lifeblood of our little club. It is thus with deepest pride that I second this well-earned promotion to our industrious, friendly, and adorkable ferret fren!

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2020-08-04 17:31:11 UTC

Arcona would most certainly be different without Sulith around to warm our hearts, and fill our chats with his amazing work. A fast friend, an amazing writer, and an ever-present helper in all of our endeavors, Sully is a boon not just to his house and team, but is a credit to his Clan as a whole.

Constantly active within the clan’s chats, and a regular presence in our role-playing and competitive sphere, Sulith is always bringing a lot to the table. Beyond this, Sully is constantly encouraging our newer members, helping to guide them along to greater heights in the club. By offering pointers on writing and worldbuilding, or showing us exactly how he makes his jaw-dropping art and helping us along with our own, he’s actively fostered new activity, interest, and pure, simple fun within our club.

We could all use a few more people like Sulith in our lives, and in the DJB as a whole, bringing light to everything around them. Thusly, it is my pleasure to support this promotion. Laud and honor to you, Sully!

Sera Kaern BTL, Spectre Cell, House Galeres

Sera Kaern, 2020-08-04 17:32:12 UTC