Event Details

Event ID
Mandalorian Dral Falgorth
Old Rank
Privateer (Equite 1)
New Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Dral Falgorth joined Clan Vizsla from the rogues and immediately made an impact in the Clan as a contributor, a vocal communicator in our chats, and a key influencer in Vizsla culture. Dral has stepped up for us time and time again, currently serving as one of our BTLs (collectively, his fourth month as a BTL).

Since Dral’s last promotion over a year ago, he has been a creator of DB content and a participant. He has organized or co-organized 11 total events, participated in 60, written 3400 words of fiction, taken 13 SA courses, and earned 4 degrees. This work has earned him an AC, a Silver Nova, a Bronze Nova, a Diamond Crescent, six Ruby Crescents, 22 combined lower level crescents, and most recently 10 Seals of Vision. Dral’s participation in the GJW helped secure Vizsla a second place finish and assured our Clan a positive course moving forward.

I would also like to note Dral’s involvement in creating and managing Clan Vizsla’s key quarterly competition, the Great Hunt. Dral was a key leader, designer, and grader of our most recent iteration. He did an outstanding job on the events (see Great Hunt II.

Dral, thanks so much for everything you’ve done. Congrats on this well deserved promotion!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2020-08-05 16:23:51 UTC