Event Details

Event ID
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
Steel Cross
Requested by
Ylith Atema
Primary reason

A reward to be given to a fellow dutchman, always fun :)<br> <br> Where to begin? Timeros has been known to be an excellent writer, and while I was being sceptic at first (this I always am, nothing personal) but Timeros has clearly showed me he has excellent skills as a writer. On the ACC or in story writing, Timeros has been a huge contribution to the Clan and House and I will be anticipating his next daring move at the GJW :)<br> <br> Another major thing is the Feud. Though I have said many times on how well people have done, I have to say honestly I did not expect such participation coming from Timeros all out of the blue. From being remotely active he suddenly shifted his gear to the top level and has been a huge contributor to the Feud ACC matches, with minimum losses. Other than that he has been a great writer doing two big writing assignments during the fued and also doing the minor, but yet not unimportant Caption comp!<br> <br> All in All I say that Timeros is most deservant of thsi Steel Cross. He surprised me, and now this is my way of showing my appreciation. Way to go Timeros! <br> <br> In Darkness,<br> <br> Draken-Korin Romanae - Quaestor of HOO<br> <br>

Ylith Atema, 2006-05-13 22:00:00 UTC