Since his recognition back in February of this years, Kojiro Keibatsu has remained a spirited member of our corner of the community.
He was most recently one of the Brotherhood's heavy hitters on the participation front, having not only hit every bin in the recent Great Jedi War but being one of seven members having put an entry in on every competition!
Beyond just his War paricipation which brought in 30 Seals of Vision, Kojiro has also been active in our Clan Telegram and has been working to encourage his fellow Sadowans. This beside, he has also been throwing ideas into the ring on how to further develop his house's individual story direction, giving feedback and reasoning on his positions. He also organized 2 competitions: Walk These Streets and Snakes in the Dark. Between these two competitions, Clan Naga Sadow saw 15 entries, contributing to the Prepare for Warwhich helped to generate a bit of buzz within Clan Naga Sadow in prep for the War season.
On the point of personal activity, Kojiro participated in 52 competitions over a variety of formats. For example, over 8 fiction activities he wrote 5403 words, and another 1010 words over 2 RO posts. That has earned Kojiro 21 Clusters of Ice.
He also tackled graphics and gaming competitions, representing our Clan in the larger club. Through PvP in Jedi Academy and Hearthstone, and PvE in Diablo 3 and Heroes of the Storm. That activity earned 12 Clusters of Fire and 45 Clusters of Earth. Oh, and that graphics activity? Well, over 7 graphics competitions, Kojiro earned 23 Clusters of Graphite. He has also placed in two competitions, which earned him a Crescent with a Ruby Star and Crescent with Sapphire Star. And of course, I would be lax if I did not point out that Kojiro has been a continuing student of the Shadow Academy, having completed an additional 18 courses and earned 3 more courses in the society.
At the end of the day, Kojiro has tried to remain a positive element in Clan Naga Sadow. When you look at his attitude over the last couple of months and consider the energy he brought to the Great Jedi War, I am left very appreciative to Kojiro. I hope that this Grand Cross can serve as a token of that appreciation from myself, and from Clan Naga Sadow.
Bentre Sadow
Overlord of Naga Sadow
Master Bentre Stahoes, 2020-08-21 23:32:48 UTC