Event Details

Event ID
Tassk Adroc
Old Rank
Journeyman 3
New Rank
Journeyman 4
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

In addition to completing his time in rank at JM3, Tassk has met the following requirements:

  • Participated in 23 competitions.
  • Passed the Leadership Competitions and Leadership Reports Shadow Academy courses.
  • Reached rank V in the Shadow Academy Society.
  • Earned 16 Clusters of Ice.
  • Written well in excess of 3000 words of approved character fiction.
  • Earned Dark Maven degrees in Combat and Philosophy.
  • Completed a quality wiki page, Tassk Adroc,
  • Earned a Crescent with a Diamond Star.

Promotion recommendations for Tassk have been a regular occurrence in my life the past few months, as he invariably exceeded all the requirements and was ready to step up as soon as he hit the time requirement. Although the phase of his career where promotions come on a schedule is now over, I look forward to contributing to many more promotions and awards for him in the years to come. Not only has Tassk quickly earned himself a reputation for activity, particularly in the ACC where his talent was immediately obvious, but he embodies the virtues we ask our members to strive for. On several occasions now, I have been struck — and, I confess, immediately bragged to others about — Tassk's kindness and maturity. Where others are impatient, Tassk is empathetic to comp organizers and judges. Where others retreat into their bruised egos, Tassk is eager to learn and grow. With his energy and positive attitude, I'm sure there will be many opportunities ahead on our summit and elsewhere, and his contributions to our club are only just beginning.

For all of these reasons, it is my honor and joy to recommend Tassk Adroc be promoted to the rank of Knight.

Vez Hirundo

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-08-12 15:11:13 UTC
Additional reasons

Tassk has been a joy to get to know from the day he set foot in Odan-Urr. His master's recommendation is spot on so instead I'll focus on his Great Jedi War efforts. I was very impressed with his war efforts, especially considering that this was his first war. To state a few facts: he completed 8/9 bins and 10 war competitions (some of which were harder event longs). I specifically recall our spirited competition around the flash games as we tried to outswipe each other even though he had to put up with a laptop pad. Altogether, when Odan-Urr needed him for a big event he more than showed up. His efforts were excellent and commendable.

Thank you for all the time and energy you've put into Odan-Urr, whether it be a war or not. I'm very proud of you and I look forward to seeing your bright future. Well done and congratulations on the rank of Knight!

Aura Ta'var
Consul, Odan-Urr

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2020-08-12 15:10:27 UTC