Event Details

Event ID
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Dark Cross
Requested by
Sage Enzo Dek
Primary reason

We're happy to be recommending Kadrol for this award!

Since his last merit medal, he has participated in 6 competitions, gained 1 degree, 1 Seal of Discord, 5 Scrolls of Foundation, 6 Clusters of Graphite, and earned himself 1 Emerald Crescent. During his tenure as a Magistrate to the Headmaster, he was able to grade 1 degree.

Some of the activity he has been involved in recently has been the wiki project, in which he helped look at and parse down our Clan wiki from dozens of pages into 6 main webpages. He helped tag and review articles that needed to be taken down or repurposed.

This shows initiative and improvement from a member others may have forgotten about. We're glad you're with us Kadrol! Congrats!

Sage Enzo Dek, 2020-10-05 03:24:17 UTC
Additional reasons

Since Kadrol first joined CSP, he has put a lot of effort into taking part in projects and getting involved in general. Since his last merit award, he has gained a degree while also having graded one during his time as Magistrate to the Headmaster. He's participated in 6 competitions, one of them being one of the Scholae Rising event competitions in which he placed 3rd place. He's received a few awards including a Seal of Discord, 5 Scrolls of Foundation, 6 clusters of Graphite, and 1 Crescent with Emerald Star.

His activity and involvement have been observed and noted, and I am very happy to recommend to him this Dark Cross! Congratulations, Kadrol! Well earned!

Shadow Palpatine Nighthunter, Consul of CSP

Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2020-08-15 01:47:10 UTC