Event Details

Event ID
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Ciara has since her last award, stepped up her level of contribution to the Brotherhood. Over the past year taking on the role as Praetor to the Headmaster, and then seeing herself promoted to the role itself as Headmaster and member of the Dark Council. As well as several months working with the Chamber of Justice as the Left Hand of Justice during this same time frame.

As a member in Naga Sadow, while supporting the Headmaster, she participated in 70+ competitions between gaming, writing, and graphics, earning dozens of crescents and clusters. Grading exams and earning scrolls of foundation. During this same time frame she was a member of the Clan she organized a Shadow Feast for the Shadow Academy providing great opportunity for members.

When she became Headmaster just before the Great Jedi War, she was asked to jump in to be part of a team running a Vendetta. She stepped up easily and ran several competitions and provided feedback as part of the team. While her feedback has already been incredible on what future may lay ahead for the Shadow Academy, her efforts even in such a short time have been great.

For her incredible efforts as a member, and in support of the Shadow Academy as Praetor, and her efforts as Headmaster since during a vendetta, I recommend for Ciara an Amethyst Kukri. Congratulations!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2020-08-27 19:40:28 UTC
Additional reasons

Ciara served as Left Hand of Justice for a brief but unusually busy three month term. During her time in the Chamber, she participated in two trials and provided cogent advice on a number of other matters. I relied on her careful, thoughtful approach to complex problems, and the members who she advised in her role as defense counsel benefited greatly from her tactful manner and genuine care in seeing them through a difficult time. I was sorry to see her depart to take on the mantle of Headmistress, but I am very happy today to lend my recommendation for this Amethyst Kukri. Congratulations, Ciara!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2020-08-27 19:24:42 UTC