Event Details

Event ID
Lord Idris Adenn
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Idris has spent time as a member in Clan Vizsla and Battle Team Leader, a Magistrate and Praetor for the Herald office, and as Voice of the Brotherhood on the Dark Council during the time considered for this award. During which he has had his contributions felt to a newly formed Clan, the graphics office itself, and now to the fictional direction of the entire organization including a prologue and Great Jedi War itself.

As Voice, he has delivered on his promise to bring the DERP. Promoting the Telegram fictional community and members first and foremost, and maintaining a great staff to support him. He has continually driven changes to the CS system to make them more straightforward and easy to use solving issues along the way so that members can continue to portray the characters they want in our fictional world. As well as policy changes as necessary so everyone can enjoy their time using our systems. Then on top of that, he was instrumental in an event that formed a brand new Faction to take part in the Brotherhood wide fictional direction. Running 4 different fiction events during the latest Great Jedi War and personally overseeing the fiction being written to convey a story we’ve been working on for months that included representation from many different members.

For his efforts to constantly drive a better membership experience at every level he’s been in, and all his great work, I recommend a Ruby Scepter for Idris. Congratulations!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2020-08-27 19:40:31 UTC