Event Details

Event ID
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Macron has been a very important aspect within our clan from the day of his arrival. He has been working very hard not only at the Feud activities, but also as a strong participant in the message boards for the runons. His presence is one that activates the clan, and provides strength and guidance. Macron fully deserves a Grand Cross. ~ Kat Pridemore, QUA of Marka Ragnos<br> <br><br><br> **<br><br><br> The story of the Battlemaster Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura is a long one. After he stepped down from his position as the Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh due to irl issues, we feared that we might lose a valueable member. Still he assured us that he was not completely gone. We were completely wrong. He is showing us the highest level of activity I could ever expect from a member of the DB. He continued his battle in the ACC, earning an Amethyst Crescent from the GMRG Lost Academy comeptition (1st place), taking part in the Sadow Dueling Competition where he won a Crescent Sapphire for the 2nd place. He earned two Scrolls of Indoctrination and did a Shadow Academy course. Still as if this wasn't enough he took part in the GMRG runon and the still running campaign "The reclamation of Kyataru". He continued to take part in the series of competitions for the position of one of the three Battle Team Leaders, contribruting a lot of excellent posts in the competition runon. He managed to achieve the 4th place and was given the spot as my current Black Guard (which was my personal prize for the unthankful 4th place of that competition). Another Crescent Sapphire was given him from the 2nd place in the competition of the Gethsmane Incident. And one Crescent Topaz from the 2nd place in the competition "Run-on Madness". As soon as the feud started, he sent in three fictions and one image, which earned him the place 5 of all contrinbuted points from this clan. And more to add to the list: He earned 2 Dark Side Scrolls for Dark Voice Submissions, he graded a lot of Shadow Academy courses, submitted a trivia to the Herald Muz Keibatsu and wrote another Dark Voice article about Sith Hounds. He took part in a competition of the squadron he is in, entered a create battle testing in the ACC. And last but not least he currently started and leads a fiction runon in the forum "Trayus Academy Dig", an idea that came from posts he and his new student did in the never-ending fiction runon "The Lounge" on the DB forum. We discussed in what way to reward him and the Grand Cross is the right one! Congratulations ~ KAP Xia Long, Sildrin Sadow<br> <br><br><br> *<br> <br><br><br> When writing an award recommendation for Macron you're tempted to write "just give him the medal!" For anyone who joined in the last year Macron has been one of those ever prominent members in the Clan for as long as you can remember. Excelling as Commander, Aedile and Quaestor, earning crescent after crescent and merit award after merit award, designing better and better competitions and runons that are fun and Shadow Academy courses such as Sith Alchemy and Dark Side Meditation that show a creative and innovative attitude to the Brotherhood. When he retired as Quaestor his high level of activity kept going, he's still coming up with those great runons, and he's still participating in every competition he can get his hands on, especially in the feud where his fictions were not only point winning but amusing and interesting and he was one of the top participants in the Clan with a score of 108<br> Therefore Macron has definitely earned a Grand Cross. ~ Malisane de Ath, Aedile of Ludo Kressh<br> <br><br><br> **<br> <br><br><br> I've always believed that anyone can become a leader independent of their position. In fact, I've been awarded medals just for that. Any member can inspire their fellow members to be active, and Macron has done just that. Despite no longer being the Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh (a job he did superbly), he has continued to be active in the Clan. He is a kindhearted man and people feel comfortable talking to him or seeking out his help. I am new to my job as Proconsul and I'm not always aware of everybody's history, but from what I know and from the recommendations above, I too recommend a Grand Cross for Macron. ~Sith Warlord Manesh Sadow, Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Manesh, 2006-06-05 22:00:00 UTC