Event Details

Event ID
Battlemaster Karran Val'teo
Steel Cross
Requested by
Aedile Tali Sroka
Primary reason

Karran has been running our pirate ship with aplomb during these past ten months and without his invaluable support, our House would surely be even more on fire than the usual. Leading by example, he’s organized a triplet of competitions and participated in 31, earning himself four Crescents and a total of 31 Clusters of varying kinds. On the dual fronts of the ACC and SA, he’s defended his honor in mortal combat, as well as bested five courses of academia. During the events of GJW XIV, he led our fearsome crew into battle in defence of Arx and plundered nine Seals of Visions. Surely, this loyal service has been recognized even in the dark halls of the Dark Council, as he was awarded a coveted Seal of Loyalty as well.

Beyond the numbers, Karran has remained an active part of our House and Battleteam, leading with example even through the dire straits of multiplication on his home front. In the tumultuous year that has passed, it’s been a great relief to have someone as dependable as this one-armed Zabrak to stay the course and his input and assistance in running the House/BT RP weekends has been extremely welcome, both by leadership and especially the membership! I was especially grateful for his assistance in running my first House RP, for which he provided plot, NPC, and running support for the mechanical side of things. Thanks to his leadership, we've been able to flesh out the House storyline with new villains and locations, expanding the dynamics of House Qel-Droma's place in the wider galaxy and thus helped make our operation feel much more alive.

He's always been a dependable and upbeat presence in our House and BT chats, helping membership tackle competitions and life's smaller or sometimes grander hurdles. As BTL, Karran displayed all the qualities I was looking for in the position, having an easygoing nature and genuine interest to interact and engage with the membership, while still having the strength of character to put his foot down if things threatened to spiral out of hand.

It’s been an honor to have you in HQD’s Summit and I wish you the best to your future, Karran/Enola! You’ve more than earned a shiny new Steel Cross to go with your new steel arm!

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2021-02-21 20:35:56 UTC
Additional reasons

Karran has undoubtedly been an example of what a leader should be in Arcona. He took the reins of the Voidbreaker on a period where it wasn’t very active, and turned it around by promoting weekly interactions via RP. He also helped develop our beloved ship with some competitions that had high participation levels, ending up in a much more developed wiki as a result.

Karran recognised the needs and skills of the VB members and crew, and suggested we replaced the ship with a new one. His suggestion was welcomed and appreciated, as was the amazing piece of fiction he wrote as a goodbye for our ship.

Having Karran as a Battleteam Leader was great for House Qel-Droma, as he was key to keeping newer members engaged and helped them grow. He has set an example I hope others will follow.

It is for the reasons mentioned above that I am happy to support that a Steel Cross be awarded to Karran Val’teo.

Aru Law
Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Dr. Aru Law, 2021-02-21 20:26:00 UTC