Event Details

Event ID
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Old Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Ciara has been Headmaster for nearly a year now, but has been active as member of the DJB community for far longer. She has served at every level of Clan leadership, and contributed at the Dark Council level in impacting the experience of every member of the organization. Despite a long gap in her service, she has returned several years ago with a creative vision and dependability that has helped create a foundation of all she's achieved since returning and will help achieve more in the future.

It's difficult, if not impossible to really record here everything that plays into this promotion because the site tracks so much more than it used to, but the medals themselves speak the most about her accomplishments. As a competitor in hundreds of competitions over the years she has earned 69 crescents and 15 novae, but that alone won't make an Elder. She has earned 25 merit medals, as well as 3 sacramental medals for all her contributions.

I really think what makes Ciara an Elder is a combination of all she's done over the years, and how it's only made her a stronger and more capable leader as it shows in her recent time as Headmistress and as a Dark Councilor. During the last Vendetta she showed herself to be an amazing organizer of competitions in how she handled grading poetry which was not without it's bumps, as well as helping out as needed to make the DC team successful. She ran the Shadow Feast as a member of the Shadow Academy staff, continues to consistently run competitions for the entire membership, and helped play a key role in the recent SARLACC event which is wrapping up. Just in providing opportunities and impacting the experience members have as part of the DJB. She has done an incredible job managing her rather large staff and making sure expectations are clear and she finds the right people to fill her team while taking time to appreciate and reward them for all the work they do for her team. She has as shaped the course offerings and continued to adjust degrees as necessary to keep them relevant and a good indication of skills and knowledge while adjusting departments and finding what works. All while keeping the entire membership informed of what's going on from her incredible report writing. Her year in review report made me realize how valuable she is to the Shadow Academy.

This promotion to Elder will help elevate Ciara to a level she's already operating at as a leader and contributor to the DJB. I look forward to continuing to work with her on the Dark Council as part of my team in the years ahead.

Congratulations Ciara, and thank you for all you do.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2021-03-19 13:58:53 UTC
Additional reasons

Few members of the Chamber of Justice have experienced such intense workloads in a short period of time as Ciara did during her brief pre-Headmistress tenure as Left Hand of Justice. She enthusiastically and ably undertook the difficult task of advising accused members in two trials, while also acting as a source of counsel and wisdom to me. When Mav selected her to join the Dark Council, I knew she'd succeed.

In the time since, I've been very happy to see her thrive on the Council. She didn't miss a beat taking over the Shadow Academy and implementing her own style, and she played an important role in planning and running GJW XIV. Most recently, she's reached outside the typical scope of her duties to co-organize the first major ACC event in a long time.

Few members in this club's history have performed at such a high level over so long a period. Ciara's years of dedicated, capable, and continuing service at all levels prove beyond doubt that she has earned her place among the Elders of this club.

Lord Dacien Victae, 2021-03-17 18:09:30 UTC

When Ciara returned to the Brotherhood near the end of 2018, I was excited that to have a friendly face coming back to our club. To be honest, as is often the case with veteran members returning, I was a bit unsure if she'd really enjoy herself. Our club has changed tremendously over the last decade, but Ciara took to it quickly. Prior to taking a long break for real life, Ciara was one of our strongest leaders, having served as a Consul, helping the Brotherhood transition through the Exodus, and then in helping run the fictional arm of our club as a member of the Krath High Priest's staff (quite similar to our current Voice). Ciara picked up largely where she left off, and she made an immediate impression on her new Clan, Naga Sadow, and on the Brotherhood as a whole. Over the next two years, Ciara demonstrated the demeanor, activity, and desire to improve the Brotherhood that is a hallmark of our Elders.

As the Grand Master has already attested, Ciara was tremendously active upon her return - as she was before she left our club for the real world many years ago. Her impact was keenly felt on Naga Sadow, which surged into the top three of the Great Jedi War she participated in. But it wasn't just her personal skill, but the way in which she uplifted the members around her, that truly demonstrated how impressive her activity was. Ciara was able to bring many members out of retirement, many of whom remain active to this day. No small part of that was her enthusiasm for the club itself, which quickly led her to a desire to improve it. As HM, Ciara has been exceptional, continuing her tradition of running exceptional competitions and continuing to provide the best experiences she can for our members. Ciara's attitude is the hallmark of that of an Elder. One such example was her return to activite duty in the first place - Despite the fact that Tarentum, her home Clan, was disbanded prior to her rejoining, she took quickly to her new adopted home in Naga Sadow, and impressed every one of us with her desire to contribute to the betterment of her Clan. Since joining the Dark Council, Ciara has been a reasoned and patient voice in deliberations and decisions. Despite the fact that the job of a Councilor can be stressful, Ciara has always remained cool and calm under the pressure.

In sum, Ciara's contributions to our club have been substantial over the last two years, just as they were prior to her departure. She has been among our most impressive leaders and we are extremely lucky to have her on the Dark Council, guiding the Shadow Academy to new heights.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2021-03-19 00:59:33 UTC