Event Details

Event ID
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

It is once again my pleasure to recognize Revak Kur. Since his last recognition, he has 136 competitions (participated in 93 competitions, organized 43 competitions), completed 1 PvP match, 34 PvE Activities, 3 Fiction activities worth 2218 words, passed 22 Shadow Academy courses, earned 9 Shadow Academy degrees, and posted 4 news posts. During these efforts he was awarded 4 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 5 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 3 Crescents with Emerald Star, 4 Crescents with Topaz Star, 1 Crescent with Quartz Star, 22 Clusters of Fire, 4 Clusters of Ice, 176 Clusters of Earth, and 44 Clusters of Graphite.

During this time, he has spent 2 months as Quaestor and 6 months as a Proconsul. During his remaining 2 months as Quaestor he ran a [House event[(https://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/competitions/16053) that capped off almost a year of house lore development and finished a House story arc. As part of this House event, he published 3 fictions worth a total of 6,453 words. In addition to the House event, he successfully handled his day to day QUA duties in an exemplary manner. Next, he took on the challenge of Proconsul, during which he was trusted and exemplary handled regular-duty tasks. To name a few these included the following: writing award reccs, helping write clan reports and news updates, updating clan gdrives, leadership reviews of cou staff, assisting pulsefeed write ups, assisting in finalizing cou’s clan gjw award’s final product, clan policy updates (community management/communication policy, Scimitar of Hoth 2021 rules), clan surveys, grading 3 scimitar of Hoth competitions, and handling member disputes to name a few. Of note, grading scimitar of Hoth competitions can be very time consuming, each taking on average about 3 hours from start to finish. As to member disputes, Revak was always professional and always took time to fully resolve the issue. This can take a lot of time sometimes.

In addition to regular Proconsul duties, he also engaged in some side projects that benefitted the clan. First, he has been the main driver behind our Survival Guides initiatives. He created a guide for the clan to teach our summit how to use our trello. At its completion it was 15 pages, 799 words, and had clear detailed pictures that described things step by step. This continues to be an excellent resource for those newer to trello. In addition, he made updates to the Clan Activity Assessment, adding some additional lessons learned. Second, he published the Odan-Urr Novice Guide for November 2020, this time splitting it into two versions (a concise 2-pager, and a longer version). The 2-pager’s work came into play with the difficulty of cramming the absolute essentials into two pages. Conciseness and efficiency of words takes time. The larger version was 1645 words and covered all the key essentials to understanding Odan-Urr lore. Some things were able to be borrowed from the previous versions but this was a considerable update to account for House activities and events in the back half of 2020. It also included an effort to make all the descriptions more concise. All the above mentioned guides were very helpful to our members and much appreciated.

In addition to guides, he also took on an initiative to overhaul our incident reporting system, creating a new one from scratch and fully implementing it. This included implementing policy on how to track incidents, the creation of a stock incident form to guarantee ease and uniformity of reports, and other various utilities to make tracking these reports easier. Of note, the stock incident report form came with a 280 word help document that explained how to fill out that form correctly. This system has already been put to use and has been very helpful in more efficiently tracking incidents over time. Not many may notice things like this, but it helps everyone stay well-informed.

As to community work, he has hosted 11 weekend events and participated in 25 weekend events. Conservative estimates for the number of hours this took is 3 hours on average for a hosting session and 2 hours on average for participation. In total as a conservative guess, Revak Kur put in about 83 hours worth of time into our weekly community events, which was a big help pulling together Odanites and growing our community. In addition to his community events, he assisted me in helping put together the Odan-Urr Holiday card, a new initiative I wanted to try out. This involved helping acquire member feedback for it, drawing stick figures for each member who did the thing, and publishing a good final product seen here. These don’t seem like big things sometimes but they can mean a lot to members.

Lastly and perhaps most important of his achievements as Proconsul, he was my right hand man while we executed a clan vs clan feud (Vendetta). Of note, this was Odan-Urr’s first clan vs. clan feud since ~5 years ago. We started idea generation with Plageius all the way back in November/December of 2020 and executed it on time for March. This journey included designing the feud (rules, structure, scoring), generating content for it (story, competitions, grading sheet, wiki edits), executing it (submitting competitions, hyping competitions, launching the event), and post event (grading, feud report). Revak helped with all of these but I’d like to particularly call out a few. Of note, he took point on the intro feud fiction, writing 1764 words for Odan-Urr. Throughout the event, whether it be meetings with Plageius, ensuring the execution of competitions, or painstakingly verifying results with me to name a few, Revak Kur was key to helping ensure a smooth feud and an excellent event that was very well received. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this key event!

For all of his achievements above, I recommend that Revak Kur be awarded an Amethyst Kukri. Thank you so much for the time and energy and long work nights that you’ve put into Odan-Urr. You’ve been a steadfast Proconsul and a great friend. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you to make this Clan better and better. Congratulations!!

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2021-05-01 23:27:56 UTC
Additional reasons

Revak served the Chamber of Justice as a member of the Appeals Panel for the 2020 term. It was a quiet term for the Panel, but Revak and his fellow panelists were on-call every day for the entire year, ready to address issues put to them with little to no notice. Thank you and congratulations, Revak!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2021-05-01 23:14:06 UTC