Event Details

Event ID
Valkas Tamalar Palpatine
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

After consideration of the past record of this member, the following medal has been approved as recommended:<br> <br> The Codex of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood clearly states that the Sapphire Blade is awarded for: “Consistent service to one's Clan or Order which does not render recognition until seen as a whole. It is often awarded as a medal for multiple services over a long period of time.” Over the period of the last couple years, Sith Battlelord Vally Tamalar has been in and out of service to Clan Scholae Palatinae, starting as a Tetrarch, moving on Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco and later House Dorimad Sol, and eventually becoming Consul of the Clan. During these times he has been a great motivator, a great help, and a great source of guidance to the Clan. He always led by example and a quick look of his History Outline will solidify that statement.<br> <br> It is my opinion that Clan Scholae Palatinae has never appropriately thanked Vally for all that he has done for us. He was a true leader when leadership was what the Clan needed most, and his efforts are still talked about to this day. He pushed us to be better than we thought we were, and rewarded us in kind for our efforts. He showed us what pride in the Clan was about, and taught us what a strong family could look like and do for a House/Clan. We are eternally grateful for his dedication and loyalty, and it is high time that we show him. I recommend that Vally is awarded with the Sapphire Blade for consistent service to Clan Scholae Palatinae which have drove us on and inspired more of us to be better Leaders. If anyone in this Clan is deserving of such an honor it is him, and I both congratulate him on his award, and thank him for all of the work that he has put into this Clan.<br> <br> - SW Brujah Tamalar

Syn Kaek, 2006-07-22 22:00:00 UTC