Event Details

Event ID
Bexa Nalrella
Old Rank
Journeyman 1
New Rank
Journeyman 2
Requested by
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Primary reason

I'm here once again to recommend Bexa for her promotion from JM 1 to JM 2.

Bexa has completed her time in rank requirement, has an approved character sheet on record, has been awarded her first Dark Cross, earned 3 out of the 2 required Clusters of Graphite, has participated in 13 out of the 5 required competitions and is a common presence in both our Telegram and Discord channels.

Bexa, you've earned this promotion to Acolyte . We're all so proud of the time and effort you're putting in. Thank you and congratulations!

Revak Kur
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2021-05-09 09:22:34 UTC