Event Details

Event ID
Valerian di Plagia Orzon
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Three months ago I appointed KP Orzon as Envoy of Clan Plagueis. Since that time Orzon has completely energized the Clan Plagueis Envoy System and the Master/Student Program in Plagueis. <br> <br> Orzon sends letters to each and every apprentice upon their arrival in Clan Plagueis. He continues to send these new members letters with guidance on how to gain promotions until they reach Dark Jedi Knight. During this time he also assigns and appoints masters for those PRT+ who desire a master.<br> <br> Orzon has rewritten the Plagueis Master/Student Program, the Plagueis Promotion Guidelines, The Plagueis Envoy system, and the Plagueis DJK+ promotion guideline. His hard work and dedication has paid enormous dividends for Clan Plagueis and the Dark Brotherhood as a whole. <br> <br> In the last Envoy evaluation Clan Plagueis finished first in new member efficiency when guiding members to the Rank of PRT. Not only did the Plagueis new member numbers finish first, but they doubled several other clans percentages. Plagueis owes this success to the dedication and hard work of Orzon.<br> <br> Orzon continues to push his Envoys harder and harder to make sure Clan Plagueis has an indoctrination system like no other in the Brotherhood, his efforts thus far have proven him to be successful. Please award Orz the Sapphire Blade on behalf of a greatful Clan Plagueis.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2006-07-28 22:00:00 UTC