It has been a long time since Knight Malfrost had a promotion. Looking at his stats, he has exceeded the time needed since then. During this time, he has a Steel Cross, an Anteian Cross, 2 Novas, 16 Crescents, 10 PoBs, 675 Clusters all together, and 18 Seals. He has also met the requirements for Leadership by being Magistrate to the Fist the last 5 months and before that, nearly 17 months as a Magistrate to the Deputy Grand Master.
Since being in Vizsla, he has done all the things and been active in fiction (7934) words, organized or co-organized 8 comps, and was in 60 competitions. I feel it is time for him to receive this hard earned Promotion from Knight to Equite 1.
Brimstone, Aedile of Wren.
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr, 2021-07-22 17:03:54 UTC