Event Details

Event ID
Jashashi "Vesh" Zaes
Dark Cross
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

Jashashi (or Xuner as I still warmly call him in my heart) is a member who has embedded himself within Clan Naga Sadow. Although he has been tied up with real life of late, he has rarely been completely absent from our midst.

Since his last recognition over a year ago, Jashashi has created two competitions, as part of his "Prepare for War" contributions and participated as a consumer in nine competitions. From his various activities, he has brought home 7 Clusters of Ice from 1661 words of fiction in a competition and earned 11 Clusters of Graphite. Besides this, he helped to represent his Clan in Great Jedi War XIV, bringing home 7 Seals of Vision. He also acted as an Aedile and assisted his Quaestor in running House Shar Dakhan.

For his contributions to the Clan and by extension, to the Club, my Pronconsul and I wish to recognize Jashashi's contributions with this Dark Cross.

Bentre Sadow, Consul

Darkhawk Sadow, Proconsul

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2021-08-04 06:32:32 UTC