Event Details

Event ID
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
Old Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
New Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
Requested by
Dr. Aru Law
Primary reason

It’s been an interesting 4 year journey for Edema since her last elevation to Equite 2. Before getting into the technicals, I wanted to just quickly say how proud we are of Edema for sticking with the club even knowing that sporadic breaks to attend to personal matters would slow down her progression towards her next rank. We always say that real life comes first, but one of the defining challenges I believe of members that are in it for the long haul is that they still find a way to come back and make an impact.

To that end, Edema has certainly made a quiet impact on the Brotherhood over the past four years despite a few breaks in the timeline. Regardless, as a non Summit member, Edema has organized over 40 competitions, most of which were done to drive engagement in various elements of the clubs writing and graphics communities. This shows a clear division between a pure “consumer” member and someone that actively does try to give back and drive activity.

From a leadership perspective, Edema logged 5 months as Magistrate to the former Herald, as well as 3 months as Magistrate to the former DGM. This work and achievement was captured in her first Steel Cross awarded back on 4/12/2019.

Further, Edema has participated in 97 competitions, while collecting 33 Clusters of Ice, 22 Crescents, 6 Clusters of Fire, 91 Clusters of Graphite. She has passed 41 Shadow Academy Courses, earned 11 degrees, 1 Scroll of Foundation, 1 Seal of Loyalty, 6 Seals of Wrath, 1 Seal of Fury, and 10 Seals of Enmity. This can be reflected across earning 2 Anteian Crosses, and most recently adding on another Steel Cross by stepping up in RoS: Escalation.

Never stopping not stopping, Edema has, since the conclusion of RoS: Escalation, continued to be active in the Battleteam by helping add elements to the Voidbreaker Wiki page, and taking part in regular competitions across the club. She earned a Ruby Crescent for coming in 1st Place in the Star Wars Movie Pitch - Get Your Movie or TV Show Greenlit! competition, with a few more competition entries pending grading.

This shows her continued commitment to being an active member of this club, and I’m honored to combine this with all of her hard work and past activity to welcome her to the rank of Equite 3.

Congratulations, Edema.


Battleteam Leader: Voidbreaker

Dr. Aru Law, 2021-08-06 18:36:29 UTC
Additional reasons

Edema is certainly a nice presence around the battleteam. She always starts her days with a greeting in our chats and is always engaging in happy conversations with every member of the House.

Her coming back and having stayed active for a longer period is a big plus because we are happy to have her around. Not only that, but Edema did quite well in the latest RoS.

Recently, Edema has also taken part in the latest Battleteam RP session to unwind from the RoS where she has interacted with many members and come out of her comfort zone.

As her Aedile, it thrills me to see her do just that and i couldn’t be prouder to support this recommendation to elevate Edema to the rank of Equite 3!

Congratulations E!

Aru Law

Aedile, House Qel-Droma

Dr. Aru Law, 2021-08-06 18:36:19 UTC