Event Details

Event ID
Raleien Sonavarret
Old Rank
Sergeant Major (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Lieutenant (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Primary reason

28 days later...an alluring opening for the continued impressive achievements performed by Lt. Raleien. One of the most striking things about this past month was the personal crusade Raleien set himself on to achieve all 29 requirements for promotion to JM4. With an impressive 18 of 29 completed he came closer than most recent JM4 nominees all while continuing to progress his real life academic goals.

Going by the numbers, since his last promotion, he's maintained a steady stream of activity.

Organized - 2
Participated - 12

PvE - 19
Fiction - 3
Words Written - 6,946

Shadow Academy
Courses Passed - 23
Degrees - 3

Anteian Cross - 1
Crescents - 2
Pendant of Blood - 3
Clusters - 206
Seals - 14

When taken as a whole Raleien has exceeded my expectations of a raising JM4. He motivates others to compete with easy to participate in competitions. He leads by example, as shown by his metrics above and the fact that his SA run of activity encouraged another member to take additional courses with them both taking the 1st and 2nd places in the recent SA competition.

I look forward to seeing Captain Raleien in the new future!

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2021-08-11 14:16:09 UTC