Event Details

Event ID
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Old Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
New Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Korvis stepped into Vizsla summit leadership back in March, and after a few short months found himself as the Consul. He has been these 5 months learning from the previous Consuls and stepping into leadership himself. It's been nearly 6 since he was last promoted, and with over 100 competitions participated in, and his time as a Clan leader he has earned the next rank as an Equite 3. Congratulations Korvis.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2021-08-15 15:02:52 UTC
Additional reasons

Since becoming our Consul in March this year, Korvis has rebuilt the Vizsla Summit into a formidable group of active people who are committed to the Clan's success. There is not a single project that goes past without his direct involvement. In addition to work on future competitions and outlining our way forward, he has also been actively mentoring new leaders in our Summit and helping them to better understand and perform in their role, and to socialize and game together to bond as a better team.

This is no small feat on it's own, and is the icing on the cake; in the five years since his last promotion, he has organized a dozen competitions, and participated in 119 competitions - an outstanding effort! He has passed 51 courses in the Shadow Academy, and earnt a plethora of awards, including an Antean Cross, 11 Crescents, 9 Pendants of Blood, 296 Clusters, and a Legion of the Scholar.

He has also put in his efforts towards the last two club-wide Vendettas, participating in 10 events in last year's Great Jedi War and 17 in this year's Rite of Supremacy. And as if this wasn't enough, he has served on the Appeals panel for the past six months as well, helping to ensure fair representation for anyone who needs it.

Korvis' efforts have gone above and beyond the scope of what I would expect for an Equite 2, and I am honored to join the Grand Master in recommending his promotion to Equite 3. Congratulations Korvis, I hope you continue to be a great example to our Clan and our club!

Mandalorian Darcy Avarik, 2021-08-13 22:40:09 UTC