Rayne: you are one of the best members Clan Scholae Palatinae has to offer, and a pleasure to work and have fun with. Your dedication to this Clan is paramount in terms of your time spent in this Clan over a literal decade and more, including in previously recognized leadership roles. It is also seen by the time spent active in Clan chat, where you make everyone feel welcomed and valued. There is some evidence of your impact. Your awards for service since your last promotion include 1 Grand Cross, 2 Anteian Crosses, and 8 Dark Crosses are a quantifiable sign of your impact on this Clan. But know too that the unseen impact you have on everyone is to make everyone feel at home. For all you have given, it is now time that we give back in the form of a promotion.
Since Rayne’s last promotion in 2011, she has participated in 139 total competitions. Her most recent showing during the Pro Bowl was an impressive 20 out of 25 competitions, wherein she garnered 138 points for her team and continued to lead by example and encourage members - especially junior members - to do more and have fun. In the last three months Rayne has received the following activity recognitions: 1 Diamond Crescent, 1 Ruby Crescent, 2 Amethyst Star Crescents, 2 Sapphire Star Crescents, 2 Emerald Star Crescents,1 Topaz Star Crescent, 1 Pendant of Blood, 180 Clusters of Fire, 256 Clusters of Earth, and 8 Clusters of Graphite. If we were to total back to her last promotion her Clusters of Earth would total in the thousands, an impressive display of dedication to gaming in our community. And finally, Rayne has successfully passed 15 Shadow Academy courses and earned 2 Degrees.
Equites, who make up the bulk of our club, have the important task of leading by example. Through this informal leadership, they set the standard of conduct for junior members, and set the tone of their Clans. Rayne is a fine example of excellent informal leadership in action. This, together with her activity, makes Rayne incredibly deserving of this accolade. Well done, and keep up the great work.
Raleien Sonavarret, 2021-10-23 04:41:18 UTC