Event Details

Event ID
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Steel Cross
Requested by
Vynn Salm
Primary reason

Zoron has continued his impressive activity with 30 completed competitions in just over a month and a half. He has also successfully run another 4 competitions both inside Clan Vizsla and for the Brotherhood as a whole. He has earned 21 crescents out of the 30 events which is a staggering success rate in place. His gaming activity has likewise taken a step forward with 72 Clusters of Fire and 102 Clusters of Earth earned as well.

Aside from his high activity level Zoron's leadership is instrumental in the running of Vizsla on a weekly basis. Always ready to jump in when needed he is both regular and timely in his reports. He keeps a constant eye on members activity levels to assure membership is rewarded in a timely manner, one of the most important jobs a leader has. In the latest Vizsla domain update he assisted in creating moons for the planets.

Zoron makes not just my job as Consul easier but Vizsla a better and fun environment. It is leaders like him that makes this entire club survive and thrive.

Vynn Salm, 2021-10-26 14:40:33 UTC