Event Details

Event ID
Kano Tor Tydex
Anteian Cross
Requested by
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Primary reason

Kano Tor Tydex has been a dependable member of Clan Vizsla and I’m lucky enough to count him as a member of House Deathwatch. He’s a welcome face in the Vizsla discord channel with great images of cosplay that he always has a story to tell about. I’m recommending Kano for an Anteian Cross for his activity as a member of Clan Vizsla.

Since his last award Kano has participated in 19 competitions, written 1687 words of fiction and earned himself 10 clusters of fire, 4 clusters of ice, 8 clusters of earth, and 9 clusters of graphite. Kano has done more than participate in a wide variety of competitions, he’s shown he has the skill to place. Since his last recognition Kano has earned 2 Crescent with Diamond Stars, 1 Crescent with Ruby Star and 1 Crescent with Sapphire star.

It is for this activity that I believe Kano is deserving of an Anteian Cross.

High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore, 2021-10-26 02:23:35 UTC